We hope some of these tips on flower care will give you extra enjoyment of your
special flowers.
Caring for cut flowers:
Start with a clean vase of the size that will properly support your flowers, add ample
fresh water. Add half of the satchel of flower food we have provided.
Cut all stems by approximately one to two centimetres, remove any foliage that will
sit in the vase below the waterline.
Keep the vase and flowers away from direct sunlight or heating.
Top up your vase daily. Change the water on a two to three day cycle and add the
second half of the flower food.
Some varieties of flowers actually grow in your vase. Tulips for example can grow
significantly and wilt from the weight of the flower. It is advisable to recut and
shorten the stems to elongate their presentation.
In an arrangement that is based with foam (oasis), make sure that the foam is kept
wet. The best practice is to make sure that the water line is above or near the top of
the foam level.
For flowers with stamens, such as Liliums, remove the pollen-laden stamens when
they appear. This pollen stains badly so take care to remove them with a tissue.