Sweet Violets Nurseries is able to supply your plant needs for large and small garden projects, courtyards and
balconies. We supply from the stock we have available in our retail nursery at the time or source from growers and
suppliers throughout the country.
Apart from plants we are able to supply planters, troughs, pedestals, urns and garden figurines. We have a number
of catalogues from various suppliers with full ranges of sizes and designs.
We are very happy to consult with you in the planning process. Also to refer you, if necessary, to professional
service providers who can carry out your planting and work requirements. We can assist with the complete
coordination of these activities. |
All plants, urns and pedestals were supplied by Sweet Violets Nurseries to this garden in Pymble. |
Sweet Violets Nurseries at work. |
Stage 1 |
Sweet Violets Nurseries supplied all plants for the Webers front garden in 2004. The hedge of Leighton Greens Conifers in the background of these pictures were a part of a large planting including Viburnum, Buxus, Liriope, Mondo grass, Gardenias, Star Jasmine, Clivea and more. Three years later we were invited back to consult on the plants for major renovations of garden and pool surrounds in the rear of his home. We were delighted to serve Andrew again with some ideas and also some beautiful plants. Jeremy Thiedeman (right) of Sweet Violets discusses the next stage with Andrew Weber the property owner. |
Stage 2 |

All planters to be filled in readiness for planting. We provided Andrew with all his soil requirements which included blue metal for drainage, premium fine soil mix and mushroom compost almost 15 cubic metres of mix in total. |
Stage 3 |
Planting completed.
Plant varieties included:
Standard Magnolia Exmouth as flood lit
features, Cordyline Ruby, Agave, James
Stirling Pittostrum, Veregated Mondo grass,
Roheo and Sasanqua Camellias. |